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It's a pain in the ass to have a brilliant logical side and a messy emotional side, and being aware of both. Anyway, the clash with Jestah is... past! Thanks to the magic of icq. I am just posting this for further reference, if anyone having the same difficulties I have happens to say "wtf?" and get irritated over it. http://www.beyondwonderland.com/data/images/jestah_peacepipe.jpg FWIW, Jestah and I have just smoked a peacepipe on Q, and he authorized me to post the above transcript. What came out of it is: - he is giving advice that I perceive * and somehow is * negative and provocative, "nobody likes you". It's so silly per se that I still bite my nails at having exploded on this, was it his way to provoke a reflexion? Seems so. is it his way to communication? Mostly, it's an answer, whatever it's worth, to a request from me, and I now understand with certainty.. what had become clear in the midst of this whole mess. The thread goes wrong from the moment personal stuff lands in a forum about webdesign and a few surrounding topics. From the moment I am fail at defining boundaries between real world, orange boxes, pro, personal, the perception of others, reality, etc. ...Chills, farts, looks at the sun, and goes off for a walk. ;)
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