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But even on the Necronomicon, this is .. odd. I mean, a Scottish author makes a play about a forbidden book. Fine. The supposed forbidden book is *supposed* to have been.. er, forbidden and destroyed by governments. Just as if making a fictional play on *top* of it was there to add confusion, somehow, with a purpose. French poetry is difficult, as the french grammar is. And a guy, who, although an admirer of Lovecraft, is a not so frantic one and takes it with humor happens to own, scan, and publish a beautiful and troublesome poetry book that could be one of the copies of the original. And is excellent in quality. The same guy, as opposed to the many other less professional webmasters, happens to explicitely quote high representatives of one of the oldest/biggest/major museums in the world. ??! So, the king in Yellow and Psaknotic manuscripts seem - I said seem - to have some reality to it, and some secrecy around them. Furthermore, as published above, they are not "horror tales" like Lovecraft's, they are not fancy fiction, they're dogma or even - why not - summonning books or bibles for *dark religions. Text like nothing I have seen before or after, sick-sick - but oh so well written for KiY - texts. And they vaguely echo monsters and tales of Lovecraft: the King in yellow typically could be the story of one of LC's "Ancients", or something of that kind (there are plenty of traits that ressemble *Hastur as far as I know). Now, granted, the Necronomicon is more than controversial and sounds fake, but wikipedia is a crowd driven encyclopedia, does not prove a damned thing either. It is a fact (the name of the Rose) that some books have disappeared over centuries, through inquisition, the church, forbidden translations, etc. So, would those books, which have caused so much fear - cursed or not -, be publicy "documented" on the internet if they had existed at some point? Would they be in the public library vaults? Or would the rare authentic copies be locked in the basement of such libraries and kept away from the audience?
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