OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
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It is often better to ask a question than to tell them how something should be done. Why is this code repeated on every page? Wouldn't it be better to generate this code from a template? What would you recommend as a server side option for the site? There are often business concerns that you might not be aware of around a situation which makes asking a question a better option. At the same time you have to earn the right to offer your advice, it is not something that you can easily jump right into. It is definately a good idea to take a position, but do not do it in a confrontational way. Let them feel like they have come across the right solution instead of you giving it to them. You might find that even though you give them a 100% correct solution they might not want to hear it. How would you feel if someone who worked for you came in and told you that your website sucks, even though you are very proud of it? Most likely not all that well, even if they were correct. If you work with them towards improving it and always towards making it even better you can't go wrong. Dan @ [url=http://www.codetown.org]Code Town[/url]
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