OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
On global warming...
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[quote]Global temperature changes usually work on a timescale of thousands of years. In contrast, warmer temperatures in the last 400 years wouldn't even register on that kind of scale. [/quote] And in the bigger picture, human existence isn't very big on the scale. But I'm fairly interested in our little slice of the time scale ;) Global temperature changes happen [i]for[/i] thousands of years, but they still start somewhere. Given the evidence out there I don't think it is remotely plausible to deny that we have had an impact, and that it is not going to be a positive one. Also note: they are not saying that temperatures over the last 400 years have been warmer - they are saying that the last few decades have been warmer than any time in the last 400 years. [quote]Also, the industrial revolution didn't really get going until the 18th and 19th century. [/quote] Well now, that's kind of the point, isn't it? ;)
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