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On global warming...
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I live near the coast and I have not been able to enjoy a good day at the beach because of so much seaweed. Its all over the place along the coastline. And then when it sets awhile it really stinks. It just seems there is more seaweed in the last few years than most years. I wonder if this has anything to do with climate change. Here in Houston where there is tons of refineries, its polluted all over the place. Who knows how much of these bad gases, chemicals contriube to the climate change along with fumes from our cars. As I was headed to downtown one moring there was a green mist surrounding it. I hated to get into it and breath whatever it was. Though we may getting closer to experiencing some really warmer times ahead there are other natural forces we have to worry about like hugh asteroids.. though they may say we have nothing to worry about.. they could be lying so as not to scare us.... I was just reading this and feel it could be the coming doom for us all. http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/space/07/03/asteroid.encounter.ap/index.html
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