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Bust a frameset when links are clicked
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For the first time I have found an instance where using frames will make things so much easier for me that I can't afford not using them. Let me give a little background... I need to sqeeze a vBulletin install into my company's new site layout and trying to customize the vBulletin install to look and act like the site in question will take more time than I have if it's even possible. So... I've taken my sites header and put it in one frame and stripped out of vBulletin what I don't want and put it in another frame. Now for my problem. I still want the nav links in the top frame to work like they did originally but of course they don't affect the frame that the vBulletin is in. How would I go about making any links in the top nav except for the link to the forums bust the frame and load the link in a full window. Thanks to anyone that stayed with me through that rambling explanation. - Butcher -
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