OZONE Asylum
Spider man 3 :: in black
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Well, originally, the symbiotic goo was "found" by Spidey in some mission involving the FF and the "beyonders", some extraterestrial race. It stuck to him, improved his powers, then fell in love with him, stuck even more... it's only weakness being sound, hence the "bells" in the trailer. Once he got rid of it, it -still- was in love, which turned to hatred, it found Eddy Brock, and Venom was born. But in the trailer, we get a glimpse of sandman, who will be there, and the "new" green goblin, we see the symbiotic goo... But nothing, or almost nothing hints at Venom being featured. In that Eddy Brock is missing... or is he the guy who appears in the church? Additionaly, FF 2 is due in May 2007 as well, so, for the missing part in space, who knows... could it be "told" as a crossover in the FF2 movie? I think most of it could be skipped, and script-wise, they could just "tell" the tale without showing it, like into: Spidey comes back from a trip to space and beyond. Anyhow, mistery, kick-ass action, and so many ways in which the plot could evolve and revolve that I.. Well. Did I say I can't wait already?
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