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Spider man 3 :: in black
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Giving "credibility" to a character in 1 1/2 hours of screentime isn't simple in the slightest. Comic geeks need to stop looking for the ultimate experience of a character with 40 odd years of history behind them in graphic form. Origin stories suck That's what they do. But they're necessary to bring in viewers that don't have the depth of knowledge that afficionados have. Out of the gates, FF1 didn't wow me, but I gave it a certain amount of leeway based on the above. Don't think how the Invisible Girl (which is what she started as..Sue Storm was just a girl back then) failed on screen, think of how impressive the Human Torch was in both characterization, and effects. Trust me that film could have been a hell of a lot worse (find a bootleg of Harvey Corman's FF sometime...or the absolutely wretched screentime that Captain America has had). The buzz is that Galactus is going to be dealt with more as a GOD being. Mostly a concept, not so much the big freak in bad red and green that he started out in books as. If that's handled well, I'll be happy. As for the Silver Surfer, just be thankful that he's going to appear with the FF first (as he should) instead of the ful length feature the Arads had planned for him, first. Try looking at any of these films as a first timer, and you'll find a whole new level of appreciation. Toss off the shackles of foolish fanboydom, and what comes is actually better than you'd think it could be. Witness what was done with Singer's Superman... 'nuff said. Excelsior.
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