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Hello I'm new to register but I've been reading your forum for a few months. I was inspired to learn javascript after viewing Benjemin Joffe's raycaster and ended up finding Iron Wallabys script for a raycaster. I actually remembered seeing his RPI address and found I had saved the script about a year ago before I even knew javascript. It was so cool even without images or color that I had saved it. Well I picked it apart and figured it out and then figured out how to add some canvas to it. I had to change a bunch of stuff and finally got IE to work also, but then suddenly it started getting some error and won't run. I still have some versions that run in IE but they are different in how they cycle. I set it up so the key event is what triggers the draw function . The problem is opera flashes some of the blocks unless you use setTimout( with quotes so it's only one call) to draw each key event. Even then it flashes blocks if you make the viewing area larger than 256. It works fine in firefox but setInterval is too slow for some reason and so is using setTimeout globally so i tried it different ways. I'm hoping the experts can sort it out since I tried everything. well here's a link to the thing. [url]http://h1.ripway.com/politickler/raycaster/256View.html[/url] I'm not sure if this works in IE. I might not have added the google script to this page. I will post the working one when i have a little more time. Sorry IE users. It's dreadfully slow with IE. Maybe 3 frames per second. I added sounds when you walk through the doors and get warped. I added the moving block using splice() but it's only one block for now. I was going to ask if anyone knew how to get an enemy drawn and still draw the walls behind it. Then you could just draw the enemy with a transparent gif and animate it with dhtml ala sprites. I have a script already to go but i couldn't figure out how to draw those walls behind the enemy sprite . I'm really new to computers but this stuff is so interesting i can't stop learning. I have some other ideas but I would like some on what it needs. I never played wolfenstein and played doom only a few times. I need some ideas. If I'm not suppossed to reuse programming posted here, I'll remove this page from it's location and stop using it. Oh yeah, almost forgot... I used the same technique as Mr. Joffe to move the background. Hopefully this is okay.
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