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thanks Iron Wallaby. I tried doing the div thing but i couldn't get the images to resize properly. I think you had it so the images were already sliced and then resized automatically. First I made image slices and got it working, then i turned the image tags into divs and tried to have the image be the background in the divs. I used block attribute and then shifted where they would line up but it would leave an empty slice at each block. That's when I resolved to turn it into a canvas tag script. I studied Joffe's and realized it was simply the drawImage() that made it work. Simple. So I tried it and it worked the first time. Imagine my shear joy when it worked. It was probably 4 AM but I literally yelled YES!!!!!. Your script was a breakthrough in my learning. Thank you for allowing me to use it. Also i wonder if you could look at something. I used your variable tex as the key to where the image is drawn from when using drawImage(). I had to fudge it by making it slightly smaller or I would get one portion (I assume it was when 63-tex = 0) that would draw nothing so there would be spaces between the blocks. I could not figure out how to avoid it and it's the reason the image gets blurry and distorted as you near it. I had to take the tex varialble and divide by 1.05 to make it a little smaller. Can you think of a way to avoid using the 1.05? When I make the slices bigger, say 8px instead of 4px i have to fudge it by dividing by 1.15. Maybe that helps?
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