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Canvas golf anyone?
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I'm trying to make a golf game but it only seems to work in firefox. I think it has to do with scaling the image, but i'm not sure. Can anyone think of a way to scale the image and move it around without using the scale in canvas? Or at least suggest a way it can be done? I tried a few things, but I'm too embarrased to post them so they got deleted. They didn't work anyway. I was trying to use moveTo() but it was wrong. anyway, I'll work on it, but I was hoping a kind programmer could suggest a way for the noob to follow. here's a link to canvas golf range. It's very basic. The guy hits the ball and the ball flies. It's the first step in my game but it won't work in IE or opera as far as I know. At least not on my machine (pentiumIII windose 2000pro). [url]http://h1.ripway.com/politickler/canvasgolf/CanvasGolfRange.html[/url] thanks in advance for anyone who has some suggestions.
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