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I'll tie it al together, I'll be blunt, honest, and not specific to one person. If you feel offended, consider you've been warned and it is YOUR problem. [quote] While I'm not interested in seeing a lot of argument and name calling here, I do feel there has been a tendency, for the last year or so, to close threads a little too quickly. [/quote] Curiosity is the main trait of a scientific mind. Censorship is the main weapon of the weak against new knowledge or thinking. Both are needed, in a balance mostly made of curiosity (for those who believe in progress and evolution, that is). [quote] I, for one, am not opposed to closing these types of threads. I`m tired of the whiney bullshit. This is NOT what we are here for. [/quote] I do too, my mistake was maybe to tell someone who had been insuting to fuck off? Yes, it was, in that I gave him a meaning. Other than that, give me something concrete I did to bring things to that situation? Just show me a fact. I am a scientific "idiot", remember ;) [quote] Argueing on the internet is like running a Special Olympics race. Whether or not you win, you`re still a tard. [/quote] Hell yeah. [quote] People here need to keep in mind that words are a very imperfect form of communication and we are trying to communicate with people from other cultures and other locations without the assistance of visual or sound cues. If you feel that you have been insulted by someone, go back and re-read the post (several times) and see if you can't figure out a different way to interpret what they said so that you won't be insulted by it. If you are absolutely sure that the person intended to insult you, then try politely dropping out of the conversation. You won't win anything by engaging in a battle of words. [/quote] Hell yeah. [quote] I don't think there's any need to reprehend mauro (ini), other than verbally. I am not saying i would miss him, because he is part of the scenery; or that his knowledge has been and probably will be useful. What i'm saying is that even through (and specially through) this behavior of his really you can see that he really likes it here. [/quote] That's clever. I didn't follow up that thread. I posted more seldomly because.. And I am not accusing. And I am not insulting. But I am questionning. What I like here are the few, more and more rare, true flexible minds who can think out of the box, and work out brand new ideas into niftey toys that will become web history and widely spread technology (somebody said Ajax? The first time I saw it in action was on Doc's page). What kept me from posting for the past weeks, and what irks me, and is invariably insulting per se is that - I have nothing to prove professionally, I have been promoted on top of the top in my recent consulting duties, and am enjoying what I do immensely, am now managing my missions and changing areas, doing intranet stuff, it & support, development. For top fortunes. I am not here to prove or show or sell or gain simpathy: I don't give a damn about the emotions I give to a Jestah or a Warmage as long as they are not intruding my freedom. ...And have a look through my eyes... a jugdgementless look though: [quote] For those curious, Ini's latest outburst ranks #2 on Google when searching for free/cheap anti-virus software. What would have been accomplished if that fight was allowed to continue? [/quote] [quote] From InI's mind. LMAO... sounds like he's trying to sell really crappy shoes here, needs to wave google at the crowd to make a point. What would have been [b]accomplished[/b]... well, I'd have hypnotized the whole crowd, to hand them to Aliens from Apha Centauri. Of course. Of course, his one track mind being on "let's whine about InI" mode, he is totally amplifying potential consequences of a software expert feeling insulted at the thought of malpractice being advertised (in this case, disabling services), as if I had the power to kidnap his Dog through my google pigeon rank. He is amplyfying stuff because he hates me: the sole fact I am good, and emotionally weak... he probably has had a frustrating day, probably has some inner weaknesses of his own, and I am hitting the "easy to throw off" bell in his hazy mind, so he will bite, and he will resort to arguments like the google rank, and the power of my words, the bad press it brings, blah-blah... Thank God he has no other power than the potential of being a nuisance, like a real insect, one that closes threads on a whim. [/quote] But people need to know, regardless. Would it only be for one reason: http://www.schneier.com/essays.html Read these essais that re-state many things I said, they are by one of the very best security consultants worldwide, one of the most renouned too. People need to have a grasp from technology to improve MY usage of technology, simply: practices like not upgrading to SP2, fairytales on the inner workings of web browsers good answers or advice. Practices like top-noth communication between browsers, clients, this, and that, are one of my specalties. I am surprised by Arthemis intelligent honesty, that's ok. Shows a strong person. - still, stop fucking disabling services, you make it easier for viruses to reach ME and my website. As much as I am amused by Jestah, I guess that's the point. :) He's kinda good at selling shoes, politics, and waving the holy google flag (amen), has a specialization at hands. But specialisation is for insects. I like talking to adults as much as some of you claim to do. Adults in my world are able to stand for theyre mistakes as well as theyre successes, able to... forgive, put themselves in question at any given time, you know, think outside the box. Oh you don't know? ...too bad but that's not a reason for me to shut up.
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