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The bad thing with quotes is that they can, sometimes, put things out of context. >> Still, it isn't, and summing me up to a moody evil character who agresses out of the blue is a -tad- restrictive. This is the -only- reason for which I waste time advertising, it is proportional to the energy I usually dedicate to people wanting to bother me. Both a waste, but again, I wish the world was all flowers and all grown adults lived up to the status. Then again, that's life. I think I'll post my blunt thoughts more often, still. They tend to make things clear.... **Ok, now WS gets back to the crime scene, he started the debate. Ah, yeah, I am saying I am not -only- a moody character and he turns it the other way round - emphasis on the "ego stroking". Coolness. We're in for some understanding. ** Hey people, I am not *fighting against the world*, I do -like- this place for some qualities in it, that's for sure. Therefore, I am not despising good things other people do. Not even saying I am the best. Just saying I am not connected to Al-Qaida. ...How many times do I have to ask for a break myself?
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