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I don't really care. I drop by from time to time, because i always felt this to be a place where one can get good tech answers. And while waiting for those, i try to put a bit of effort in answering other's. Still, i do not appreciate the unjustification in closing the thread. The internet is immense but not big enough to accomodate even the slightiest of R.L. issues. And that boy has issues. Plus, even disregarding this, i'm just too hard to insult. I don't think there's any need to reprehend mauro (ini), other than verbally. I am not saying i would miss him, because he [b]is[/b] part of the scenery; or that his knowledge has been and probably will be useful. What i'm saying is that even through (and specially through) this behavior of his really you can see that he really likes it here. I think that this should be criteria enough to keep someone around. But i'm no judge, or know enough of the background involved. And plus, he could just be addicted to webtrolling. Cheerfully, Arthemis [i]~this is not a signature~[/i]
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