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[quote]The fact that this time it is not a dictatorship...[/quote] We have a "president" who is virtually above the law and his political opponents are too afraid to oppose him in a substantial way. We have a leadership that outright lied to the American people to drag us into war and plans to take us into further conflict. We have a leadership that has spent over $1.6 billion in propaganda over the last few years. We have a leadership that was questionably elected the first time and the second time was elected only because the MSM and politivcal opponents are in a state of either apathy or fear to report the truth. We have a leadership that has sold out the American people time and time again. We have a leadership who tells us for the foreseeable long-term future, our only purpose is to fight the "War on Terror." That is no future! In short, while we may not fit the traditional term of "dictatorship," we are certainly much closer to that than any form of democratic Republic. Welcome to the new world and the new American Empire. I tend to believe that we have entered a new phase in American history. The empire is in its death throes, fighting tooth and nail to keep our influence (political, economic, etc.) in the world, and it is prettyy scary to think what these [i]people [/i]in power might resport to in order to retain dominance. Guantanamo is a very small piece of the puzzle, and only the beginning. Of course, from what I am seeing, you blokes over in Airstrip One are not much better off. Next stop, Iran. Ram ps. Yes, I have become a pessimistic bastard as of late. The ignorance of the majority of my fellow countrymen has led me to this demeanor. Without the people waking up, we are powerless to stop their plans for global dominance at any cost, and thus will reap what we have sown. Good times.
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