OZONE Asylum
Some kinda ride/drive
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Well one of life's little mysteries has been solved for me. In the late 70's... maybe early 80's a friend and I went to a movie... can't remember the movie even tho' we went 3 more times...so we paid for the movie a total of 4 times. We were wired to the 'short.' It was called "The Rendevouz" and it came at a time when my friend and I were feet first into Formula One...and fanatcized what it would be like to own a Ferarri and my buddy was quite specific... he wanted a 275 GTB...and this is why we went back to that movie 4 nites in a row. Anyway... for years I tried to track this down...wanted to know if any 'trick' photography had been used...all that. Certainly convinced the streets had been closed etc. but apparently not so. It is of course shear lunancy ....but oooh what a rush. This is quite dark unfortunately....make sure the sound is on...some very nice gear pullin' here. On the big screen it was unbelievable. http://www.compfused.com/directlink/3668/ And if somebody can tell me how to save or capture this thing.... I'd appreciate it. ___________________________________________________________________________ You'll never have to think outside the box if you don't get in the damn box in the first place.
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