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Board Stock / Card... help please!
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Okay im trying to pick some card stock that will be used for a product that will be hung on rails at shops. Basically its a small wooden stand which will be died to the stock, the stock has a hole in the top to slide onto the stands at the shops. Pretty standard really... I havn't used much card stock before so i don't know much about it... but from what i can gather there are a few main things: Thickness, measured in pt (where 1 pt = 0.001") Weight, the weight of the stock can be different even for the same thickness, and can effect how strong, rigid the stock is etc And of course there is finish. So the question is am I missing anything, is the above correct, and can anyone suggest some sample stock sizes that i should be looking towards just to give me a general idea. For example im thinking between 40 - 60pt thickness, but have no idea of the weight, at least 350gsm but probably alot more i am assuming?? Thanks all..
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