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Criteria for Locking a Thread
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Jestah, as far as I know, you often close threads without a warning, at least I can't remember an occurence of you locking a thread after having warned people. The problem is not the amount of threads locked, the problem is the practice itself. What about issuing a warning - and a crystal clear one, for dummies and foreigners, like "this aspect of that thread will lead me to close it if there is no better way to deal with it". To adress issues where they belong, I won't reply to your personal attacks for the... 1000th time. You got my icq, my email, I even apologized for insults directed at you, frankly, if you feel like going on a rampage, you have ways of adressing my problem - since you seem to think I have one - constructively and outside the forum. Currently, I think it's getting as old to me as it is to the rest of the bunch. Get over it or deal with it, eg. me, but stop trying to sell ideas about how to punish me, you end up sounding dull. ------------------------- [quote] When we lock a thread, we are punishing everyone because a few can't behave themselves. I think we should find a different way to deal with ptoblems than by locking threads. [/quote] That's an excellent point. I suggest - discussion- as in real world conflicts, because locking practices hinder the quality of this community as much as... no, no, no, a lot more than discussions drifting actually. A discussion that drifts is just that, an unresolved tension is much heavier and "core" to the forum spirit. My 2 cents: some of you tried insulting me, some tried putting me down, some tried banning, some tried demotion, and I still am posting. What about trying new ways - indeed. "jackpot": why wouldn't you try -talking- and -actively listening- for a change. And this is special directed to Jestah: I haven't been around in weeks, I come back, and I find you trying to snicker ideas about punishing me here, and there, and there again, and once more.... You almost seem to be missing closing my threads. :) Something to think about - in the vein of *you are here to keep things running smooth* emphasis on the word smooth. ...What's up with the 90% of my texts being calm and... ...What's the exact reason you want to prosecute and lock me down so badly? What's the crime?
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