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Kimmy, darling, open those blue eyes of yours and READ, Jestah more than entices, suggests, and directs things at me quite explicitely. [b]Example:[/b] These forums were created by the Doc to promote learning and intelligent discussion, not as a tool for members of this community to lose their temper and spew a mess of garbage along with their resume. Who do you think "spew a mess of garbage along with their resume" refers to? The only thing missing there is my name, all the rest says Jestah was thinking about me. I appreciate your gentle efforts for guidance, but in this case, give it a second read. Notice I am not overdoing it, not getting overly emotional, not getting defensive, nor agressive, just taking the occasion to express my very different views. This is not "paranoia" nor defense on my side, it's a real concern: if people here are stuck on negativity to such a degree they cannot help mentionning me, it also hinders theyre, my experience of the place and PREPARES ground for misunderstanding and outbursts. If at least it's out in the open, it can be adressed better. My 2 cents, nothing more really.
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