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...It's sad babe because I know you want to help me with posts like that, somehow, but you're making the same confusion and assumption made before by others. I am not "biting" Jestah for free: he has "called" for me, I am answering, A) And I do think a key success factor to conflict resolution, tension, and threads drifting control is discussion B). This is difficult, btw, because some people think the opposite and are uncomfortable with solving conflict in the open, they prefer leaving things to evolve. Here, this doesn't work, and hasn't worked. And you, better than anyone else, should understand all this: we've shared a deep bond for years, and something of that bond clearly remains. But at some point, we had to determine each party's responsibility and both admit our good and our bad to remove tensions of the past. And look, we can "talk" about virtually anything nowadays. Debate you said, discussion you said: my most important point here for the WHOLE, not for me, is that discussion must preceed and prevent misunderstandings. Because 90% of web-tards flame wars are consequences of communication issues. --------------------------- Side-note: it's ok for you to be a challenger, that's what I like from my acquaintances, but don't challenge over nothing, I am not in the "me against the world" mood, I am here as an... expert in conflicts? :) And more and more, in resolution of those.
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