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John Carter, Warlord of Mars
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I'm sure WebShaman and I must have bumped into each other at the library a few times! Tyberius Prime: Make the time to read at least the first 2 Tarzan novels. You won't regret it. And now for a little look into my psyche- Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan character had a huge impact on me. I decided as a young child that I wanted to be the same sort of man as Tarzan. Never waivering from the inborn sense of right and wrong, willing to do what ever is needed (tooth and nail if nesessary) to insure the safety of those you care for and yourself. Alert and mindful of your place in the food chain. A noble savage, not superior to the other animals around you, but having the same basic needs as they do and making the best of what abilities you have to satisfy those needs just like they do. A fierce enemy and a loyal friend. I wish I could say that I have always lived up to those standards, but I'm still giving it my best which is exactly what Tarzan would do. I may yet get it right. I have given up on finding any trees with vines up here in Alaska though..... [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/2459]norm[/url] on 07-28-2006 00:44)[/small]
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