OZONE Asylum
I Put Ozone in My Own PC Videogame
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Love the way it uses physics. Love the way it uses blender, there's some thinking in this work, coolness. One big con so far, though: the fact it tastes like "bits'n'pieces". [quote] When you run the demo your asked win95 version or DOS version, only the DOS version ran for me with no sound, I'm sure VDMSound would fix that(tiny DOS driver emulator). [/quote] ...get ready the devil's advocate speaking his mind -again-, he will tell you things you don't want to hear -again-, but that are meant to help, still. Like... Unless contest specs recommend something else, Windows 95 and Dos versions? I mean, for real? I mean.. Games should be developed for machines of tomorrow. All software, because by the time it gets live, technology has made ten giant steps forward. Then, for sound, there are so many lovely apis that actually -work- across loads of platforms. Why, oh why using libs and dlls of the past millenium - literally? If I was to rely on many publicly licensed libs, I'd have a close look at fmod or bass for sound. I'd probably use SDL for gfx, or I'd say screw it and would rely on glext for using OpenGL2.0 only features (why learn an API on top of another one?). Then I'd use some cool physics library, but this seems to be covered already. If you want OGL1->2, or glext, or fmod pointers and sample code, just shout. my 2 cents.
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