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Yay! And a major professional success at hands
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Many thanks. Well, since the day I started working for a consulting firm again, I've been one year in PMI as a second level support person, then developped a program for a private bank, and am working for Nestle as a third level IT agent (software packaging) until the new mission starts and puts me back in PMI. Some probably caught glimpses of difficulties I had in PMI, interpersonal ones, with my supervisor there. Before these difficulties ruined my nervous health and caused a big clash, my consulting company had the good idea of taking me off of the PMI assignment, only to immediately put me in contact with others for bigger assignments. Originally, I was a "junior" consultant, or an expert without decisional power - the interpersonal clash led my employer to think that, because all of my colleagues, and most of my customers, liked me a lot - personally and professionally - I was being hindered by my supervisor and worthy of something better. <--- great reaction on theyre side. Great result. I was overly confident before it got signed because I knew the guy was in a hurry, and that if I was to convince persons from 300 sites worldwide, a display of pure self-confidence during the interview would be the "proof of concept" to make him sign immediately, plus a good exercise for my duties in that position. In other words, calm and charisma -had- to work at that stage already for they would be my main tools for the job. So I am back with a vengeance of sorts. Finally, I have never felt such a perfect match with the desired profile, calm and charisma came naturally because it's a job that was tailored for my current competencies and expectations. It all means more sacrifices for some time, as I pointed out, but oh-so rewarding, and directly rewarding ones - as I said, I may make my first million in my early 30's. End of rant.
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