OZONE Asylum
Yay! And a major professional success at hands
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It's weird, you know. I've been a pain to certain Asylumnites and other real world people, mainly because of some past self-confidence and inner balance issues. So much that some are permanently stuck on that and unable, or not wanting, to forgive. But that's not the point. This fairytale goes like... "he once was a bright/weak kid in a violent family, far from his mother country, turned to drugs and low life as a teenager, touched unsuspected depths, met the bizarre, the poor, the wealthy, the beautiful, the ugly, then touched the Ozone, learn js, bounced back, focused on the stars, didn't leave obstacles get in the way and..." And now I am touching those stars. I never thought I would make it to this salary/responsibility range, it just was a dream... being the geek of them all, paid as if I was made of gold myself. It just was a fucking dream. ... Used to be just that. Makes it worth every single sacrifice. Delaying automod and losing credibility on that.. on the web CC thing as well, on the Assembly and that potential winner in my hands which will have to wait. Those girls that passed by.The public ridicule at times. And all the real pain, hurt and sorrow. I am getting paid back for every single bit of pain, every single difficult time I went through. How could I possibly hold the joy in? Why? HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAY! [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/5827]_Mauro[/url] on 08-03-2006 17:41)[/small]
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