OZONE Asylum
New Domain + New Profile = angry employees
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So our company switched domains, which is fine, but, when you do this it creates a new profile. So the first time the user logs into their computer it's like they have a new computer. Settings are changed, icons are moved around, MS Outlook isn't there, blah blah blah. Now, I work with a bunch of sales reps and they don't *want* to understand that things are still there, they just look different. The corporate IT guy did a registry thing that pretty much moved the old profile to the new one and things just worked again. Does anyone know how to do this? I remember he said something about loading the "NTUSER.DAT" file and then changed some permissions... Sorry that is about all I can remember. At any rate, if someone has a good way of joining the computers to the new domain and then getting their old profile back, it would be of GREAT help as I am about to smack some people around. Thanks in advance! Later, C:\ [img]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/cprompt.jpg[/img]
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