OZONE Asylum
I usualy don't belive this stuff
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[edit]cross-posts[/edit] I'll get it when I am home, but what I said above and below still holds true and doesn't contradict your views. Follow me here.. ------------------------- I quite agree with Hugh. Still, I think the "conspiracy theory" is weak because.. ..who needs "conspiracy" when blatant and obvious "(in)justice" manouvers are completely approved and accepted by almost all US citizens? Why would the government try to "trick" with subtlety people it owns with cheap propaganda? Would I be in theyre shoes, next time I want to bomb a country for the sake of "reviving" my own country's economy, 911 would not be needed, too expansive: I'd put 90% of the budget for such a project in the moto.... nothing more. "The war for justice" - "Freedom for Iraqis" - or some other bullshit to give nationalists a thrill. ------------------------------- While you, and many others, are finally "starting to wonder if you're getting done", years have passed, and the economic and politic impact of the war you're questionning has already been felt worldwide. Wether this is evidence or not, US citizens have -anyhow- been manipulated about the issue and the desired benefits have already been earned from that war. Hence my "doesn't matter" but I will make sure I understand your views fully later today. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/5827]_Mauro[/url] on 08-09-2006 16:43)[/small]
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