OZONE Asylum
I usualy don't belive this stuff
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[quote] [b]Blacknight said:[/b] ..but the film is quite convincingwww.loosechange911.comps.: its over an hour so tkae some time to watch it it will make you think [/quote] I'll admit, I have seen bits and pieces of statements that seem convincing at first. But this video itself is hardly convincing, and is presents a lot of unsubstantiated conjecutre and a fair dose of plain old falsehoods. That the US government was in some way complicit in these attacks seems to me to be fairly probable. That they were orchestarted and executed as a government plot, I have seen absolutely nothing to convince me of, and nothing that supports it in any solid way. As for maddox's page - yes, he makes it into something somewhat comical. Why? because it is comical. He states right away that will not go through a point by point, but links to pages that do. There have been countless sites debunking a great deal of the misinformation spread around by conspiracy nuts, which do a pretty thorough job of showing - via the facts - that the conjecture of the conspiracy nuts is wrong. So many of the "facts" in these conspiracy theories rest on mistaken information ("the wind was northwesterly, so the debris could not have been blown to the south" well...yes, it would have: a northwesterly wind blows *from* the northwest...) or pure assumption based on how they think an object would behave rather than on actual physics or simulations. I'm more than happy to blame the government for as much as possible. But I simply have not been shown any actual facts to support the grand claims being made. Let's focus on the real aspects of where the government failed us, by intentionally mishandling information or incompetently responding to threats rather than wasting time fabricating elaborate schemes that defy the facts. [quote] [b]_Mauro said:[/b] While you, and many others, are finally "starting to wonder if you're getting done",years have passed [/quote] I'm not sure what your perception is over there, but a *huge* portion of the population has rallied, railed, attacked and question the Bush administration from the start. Yes, we have the midnless hordes who have been hell-bent on wiping out the 'towel heads' since the start, we have the hordes of people who's blind faith and misguided patriotism make them proudly wave their little plastic flags and condeming islam, feeling their country has never done any wrong and is on the side of god....etc.... But that is far from being the norm, and bush is hardly an accepted leader. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/163]DL-44[/url] on 08-09-2006 16:58)[/small]
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