OZONE Asylum
I usualy don't belive this stuff
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I suggest you -all- start thinking that what you *suspect* could be misinformation certainly is to an extent. I haven't watched the video yet, but I am recently getting informations, through work, on many untold truths. I wouldn't focus on proving 911 was a conspiracy, it doesn't even matter -in the end- whatever the real cause, the underlying "root cause" is more interesting. What we got here is the third world tired of western abuses, terrorism and extreme political claims in northern Africa, the US landing there and crushing Iraq in the name of "justice" - and violating human rights in all possible ways in the process (starting by -invading- Iraq, because it was nothing short of an invasion, the good old "destroy and conquer" way like in the ancient Empires). I am glad americans start to question that Bush guy. I am sad a blowjob costed Clinton loads of bad press while Bush can foster slaughter, torture, american totalitarism on petroil rich soil, all this while hardly knowing how to read - and going unpunished - he is a criminal in regard to the chart of human rights, did everybody forget this piece of paper was put together for a reason? I am sad because this means, in the end, that the very notion of "power to the people" and democracy is dying in the US, and it takes high quality video documentaries, stupid or not, to finally get some to "wonder".
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