OZONE Asylum
I usualy don't belive this stuff
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I am a big fan of maddox and his article is funny, but its an awful argument. I saw a video about how bad loose change was, but all it had was personal attacks and claimed they had no evidence with no evidence or proof of their own. He uses that stupid $20 bill as a reason to dismiss the theory, which lowers himself to the level of the guy who made it up. He also just mocks the maker's so that doesn't help his point. He links to popular mechanics and states that the steel was only weakened, which makes sense. The concrete that the steel reinforces would crack if the steel expanded or contracted a lot. This does not explain the molten steel, or the fact that the structure's strength comes from the steel frame not the concrete. Its also doesn't explain the magnesium and sulfar found in on the steel in national parks as memorials indicating thermate. In the end its a comedic article not a serious one, unfortunatly I'd say so many people took his word for it. [url=http://www.icklepix.com] [img]http://www.icklepix.com/forum/bread_ani.gif[/img] [/url]
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