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Sunspots and Perseid Meteors this Weekend
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Every year at this time the Earth is [i]sprinkled[/i] with meteors called the Perseids. A few years back I took time out to sit through the night, away from the lights of the city to watch the meteor shower. I was stunned. I watched from about 11:00 pm through to 4:00am and I lost count of exactly how many I saw, but I'd estimate it to be about 40 or 50 Perseid meteors. They are called Perseid meteors because they appear to emanate from the constellation of Perseus. The meteors are caused by the debris from an old comet called Swift-Tuttle and we get to see them when the Earth passes through this path of debris. There's much more information [url=http://spaceweather.com/]here[/url] at Space Weather dot com. If you can, take something to sit on or lay on as looking up at the sky plays havoc with the old neck muscles. A flask of something hot and/or warming is a treat too. :) Plenty more information can be garnered at the end of these links too http://skytour.homestead.com/met2006.html http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/solarsystem/perseids_shower_000809.html http://www.astronomy.com/asy/default.aspx?c=ss&id=77 I remember looking up at the sky, marvelling at the bright streaks of light zooming to the earth and thinking, those little bits burning up in the atmosphere have been travelling through our solar system for millions of years. From the outermost planets right in to the sun and back out again repetedly for more time than our minds can comprehend. Now they have been caught by the Earth and ignite in a last blast of light, burning up to cosmic dust and I was there to witness the event. Cosmic indeed. [url=http://tao.serveit.org/tao.htm]::tao::[/url]::[url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/5635] [IMG]http://tao.serveit.org/sigs/taoboogie.gif[/IMG] ::cell::[/url]
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