OZONE Asylum
Sunspots and Perseid Meteors this Weekend
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Ah, glumsville Arizona ;) (Not too sure where I get that kind of saying from, [somthing]ville Arizona. I know it must be from the last 20 or 30 years of American TV, but can't remember what.) The clouds did not lift for long enough for me to catch any astronomical delights this time. I hope someone else managed to get a peek. NoJive, I think looking at the records that 1966 was the great show that you may have seen. It sounds truely awesome. Norm, I did a quick google for "swift turtle" and there are some spelling mistakes there where people are actually talking about the meteors. There is also a racing horse too ;) Jason, I agree the term "shower" is rather misleading for most of the annual events like this. Once you get past the silly hype of the astronomical media agents it still is a great event I think. It's also great to hear that Jacob has been to see them too,. Sorry got to go Liverpool are playing Chelsea (won't give away the score so far don't worry J ;) ) Come on captain fantastic. :D Heh ~[i]From the heavenly to the sublime[/i]~ [url=http://tao.serveit.org/tao.htm]::tao::[/url]::[url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/5635] [IMG]http://tao.serveit.org/sigs/taoboogie.gif[/IMG] ::cell::[/url]
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