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Sunspots and Perseid Meteors this Weekend
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Bummer you didn't see any Tao. Not a cloud in the sky here, but not a very impressive show either this year. I took about a half hour drive with my girlfriend away from the city until we were far enough from the ambient light of the San Antone. We saw one less than 30 seconds after stretching out in the back of the truck, and I started thinking this might end up being a good show. After that though, it was one every 8-9 minutes. One good one lasted just over a second and had a really wide tail, which ended up being the highlight of the evening before the moon rose. All in all, not a bad way to spend an evening though :) For those who want to see a "shower," check this page out: http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/astronomy/milan_video_011121.html [quote]See about 4.5 hours of the 2001 Leonid meteor shower, as captured by Wil Milan from northwestern Arizona, near the Burro Creek Wilderness. His video is compressed into about 35 seconds.[/quote] Be sure to be paying attention at about 25 seconds :) -- Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
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