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Hi guys.. I have a technical issue, where I'm pretty much screwed trying to start/run my laptop. At various points in usage for the past couple of days it has come up with a variation of BSOD (blue screen). At previous points it plamed a KERNAL_INPAGE_ERROR but as of lately it wont even open one program before freezing, at best, and it just says a crucial thread has exited or malfunctioned. at the bottom of the blue screen are two things. One is bit of technical information listed "*** STOP: 0x000000F4 (0x00000003, 0x8217F978, 0x9217FAEC, 0x805c7478)" and then below that it says "beginning physical memory dump" I dont really do much exploring online, so I think the only possibly outside source readily apparent may be through online poker. If thats possibly/likely (i hope not). Otherwise most things I do are gmail and AOL. The best I can do I think to avoid a lockup.. is hitting F10 at the COMPAQ window and opening the PheonixBIOS test. I ran the short test and passed but may try the long if I can open that setup menu again. What should I do??? Is it a disk error? recoverable? suggestions? Thanks! - Ryan
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