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New questions - Some might say i made this mistake, telling father, so now its top priority ever waking moment to try and "fix" the issue. First of all, I thought it might be a memory related issue because everytime I used certain software, or multiple processes were taxing my system, it began to hangup immensely or see a blue screen. To clarify, it has been days since I've seen a blue screen, but certain situations still cause immense hangup that will not go away. So we did a test using Memtest86+, and it yielded no errors. My father's first move was to run the Compaq system scan, which yielded the problem he's been trying to fix for the past 3 or 4 hours: It says something to the extent that Cisco VPN client needs to be updated.. it lists the issue as critical and it lists a symptom as: Can cause, in rare cases, system lockup under normal use or blue screens. So he was convinced by the symptom line that this is the issue. But what is Cisco VPN and how do i fix/update it? The only time i've heard VPN (virtual page network?) before was with my software necessary to connect wireless at college. Which if you disable and uninstall the cisco vpn client (infact its already listed as disabled, even after restsrating after reenabling under Device Manager) then reinstalling the Haverford VPN software replaces the cisco vpn unit under network ..whatever.. in my Device Manager. However since all of this mumbo jumbo has occured there have been some issues. It never installs cleanly and never uninstalls cleanly. And I don't really know where to go? What's the best method to "update" Cisco VPN, and is this necessary? If my RAM is ok, then was it my hard drive causing the blue screens before? Ryan
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