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[quote]What i'm asking is, 'why is the <marquee> tag considered evil, dodgy or bad?' I'm asking about the tag itself, not whether one finds the resulting scrolling text aesthetically pleasing or not.[/quote] Exactly because of the things Wes stated. :confused: The tag itself is long deprecated as far as I recall, and the result of its usage is a horrible thing. Is that not enough? As to refreshing the page - do you really want to tell your users to refresh the page to see a message :o Or have them sit and wait to read it :o Or even that they must hover their mouse over the text to actually read it :o These are basically the '101' rules of web design: don't make your user wait or work to see your message! As for the page you posted - I don't see anything that could possibly be considered 'good use' of the tag there (neither the top nor the bottom). In fact, it illustrates Wes' point quite well - there is more than enough space for the scrolling message to be displayed statically in the same spot. It is an abomination to have it scrolling instead... ~shrug~ if none of this is enough to convince you...I don't know what else to tell you...
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