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[quote] [b]Suho1004 said:[/b] And for the record, the Brit Superstore page does not use the marquee tag. The effect is achieved with JavaScript. [/quote] It is a marquee, hence this from the source code.... <marquee width="130" height="189" scrollamount="3" onMouseover="this.scrollAmount=1" onMouseout="this.scrollAmount=3" direction="up" class="brit-store-marquee"> the java is for the menu below the marquee. i guess it's a down to what the client wants. Customer wanted a scrolling news thingy, customer gets a scrolling news thingy. And at the end of the day, the customer is always right even when they're wrong. as long as the more common browsers (IE, FireFox, Navigator & Opera) support the tag I'll use it if the client wants it. (although opera displays the upwards marquee as static text & images, but not my problem anymore). Once the browsers stop supporting the tag, i will follow suit and stop using it. I couldn't give a toss what tags w3c thinks we should and shouldn't use. the marquee at the bottom is helping the britsuperstore site rank for allsorts of product searches it wasn't ranking for before hand. That text is not for the site visitors to read, it's for the search engines. Hence being stuck in a marquee tag rather than the big dull list of keywords plonked at the foot of his pages for all and sundry to be offended by. by the way, Hello everyone! I am your knee
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