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[b]hotwire:[/b] You have to admit that starting with " WHAT A BUNCH OF NONSENSE CRAP I'VE READ HERE! " and saying that the marquee tag is deprecated while it's never even part of the standards, and calling nonsense some arguments of the W3C ain't the best way to introduce yourself. There are more polite ways to express your opinion. And if you disagree with the W3C, nothing forbids you from subscribing to one of the working group's mailing list and defend your point which, if it makes sense, will eventually make its way into a specification. As for the use cases for a marquee-like behavior, I agree that they exist but IMHO the marquee doesn't serve them right. A proper content scrolling thingy bingy could really use a pause between each first level child node, maybe some visual controls for better accessibility, a sensible fallback, a proper semantic, and an actual specification. That's why I'll stay away from the marquee element and stick to semantic and accessible markup with progressive enhancement. So long, and thanks for all the fishes. [url=http://www.p01.org/][sigrotate][img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_love.gif[/img]|[img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_love_small.gif[/img]|[img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_charly.gif[/img]|[img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_dk.gif[/img]|[img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_reason.gif[/img]|[img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_galaxy.gif[/img]|[img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_neon88x31.gif[/img]|[img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/files/p01_ozoneasylum_sig_teapot.png[/img][/sigrotate][/url]
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