OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
Independent Web Design: Is it practical?
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When I first completed my graduate school coursework in December 2002 I was unable to find an internship straightaway, so I ventured out and sought work as an independent web consultant until I could find a better (read: more steady) means of income. A few years (and several therapists & medications) later I find myself again in the web design field, and while I do enjoy my full-time job, I have been asked by several people if I do consulting outside of that job. Would it be difficult to get an independent web consulting business going while working full-time? Have any of you had success doing so? If I do undertake the endeavour, how do I find work - by advertising, word of mouth, knocking on doors? And what are going rates, both one-time fees for simple sites and hourly rates for consultations, maintenance and updates? Any help offered would be much appreciated... ~~~ Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein [img]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/AsylumScrawls.jpg[/img]
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