OZONE Asylum
Crikey! He's dead...
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</lurk> I wonder what he was doing with a stingray to get a barb in the chest. I've dived with stingrays in 3 different oceans/seas and been real "up close and personal" with them, but I never once saw a defence reaction, never mind a raised barb. They try real hard to swim away from a threat. They only sting when trapped in a very tight spot (Like under your foot, or in your hands). Don't get me wrong, I loved the Steve Irwin programs, and think he did great things to dispel a lot of animal myths, but sometimes I got the feeling that he was too daredevil, and this time, perhaps, he pushed the envelope too far. We all know how good he was with reptiles, mammals, even walking inects and arachnoids, but fish are different ... they live in an alien environment, where human faculties are just not tuned for rapid reactions ... May he find a heaven full of excitement. <lurk> [url=http://www.trib-design.com/tribulation] [img]http://www.trib-design.com/sigs/sigs.php[/img] [/url] Bug-free software only exisits in two places In a programmer's mind and on a salesman's lips [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/2505]trib[/url] on 09-13-2006 10:07)[/small]
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