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Got a Trojan that won't go away :(
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About 3 months ago, our company switched our PDC to our home office. When this took place, they have a script that runs that uninstalled AVG and installed Trend Microsystems. It wasn't 2 weeks or so after that, I got a virus. Not sure where it came from since I don't download anything on this computer (they watch us like a hawk anyway). But, it did happen. I've tried everything I can think of and then some. The virus comes in as [b]rpcc.exe[/b] and every scan comes in as "C:\Windows\system32\rpcc.exe" There's no reference to it in the registry. I re-installed AVG and it picks it up, moves it to the vault, removes it from the vault, but comes back. Spybot does not find it Ad-Aware does not find it. Trend Microsystem finds it, but says that it can't do anything with it. There's no process called RPCC.exe running Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance! Later, C:\
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