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I'm actually running a test account now over at www.1and1.com - they may not be great, but they are big, that can be either good or bad? Frankly, I'm having trouble with several hosts right now, notably Dreamhost (not just for the asylum, but other sites as well) and also OLM.net (I have a major client there. Everything is currently down there now. Plus some idjit deleted a 500MB database of EVERYTHING that made that business a business. Fortunately I got backups.) Perhaps we should spend some time on this thread discussing the best webhosting outfits currently? We need top-end server farms, multiple fat pipes through several backbones, extra points awarded for a decent backend and reliable service. An open policy about sharing what when wrong when things do, that would be a plus IMHO. So, how's life otherwise? Malin and I just got back from Sweden, we have a little house out there now. If we had 15 of them we could sell them and buy a single house here in San Diego instead! =) I've been swampered with a new client lately, a "network marketing" firm believe it or not. They have good cash flow and I charge per hour, so it's all cool, heh. The store www.deepFLING.com is doing well, Malin started stocking scandinavian clothing as well as Jewelry, so we're expecting a bang-up Christmas. On topic though; if we were to change hosts, where should we go do you think? [b][url=http://www.ozones.com/] Your pal, -doc-[/url][/b]
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