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[quote][b]poi said:[/b]Saw that video days (weeks ) ago. Her words are gold. I hope many people, including muslims and extremist believers, will see it and question the radical behavior of some religious leaders and their minions.Zynx: Don't worry, hopefully most people have an ounce of common sense, including most muslim for not killing infidels, christians for eating shellfish, jews for using electricity during shabbat, ... Believers have funny and harmful beliefs, fortunately most of them manage to strip out the most insane things from their "holy" books and behave. [/quote] I share you sentiments with this persons response on the issue. I also do have hope for the common sense of people. I just see that those differences you mention are not at the heart of their respective religions as much as "killing the infidels" is in the Q. Parts of all religions do have minor inferences of silliness. I think that the idea of converting the non-muslims to Islam or killing them is as large a part of that religion as compared to the 10 commandments. It just seems a bit to close to heart for most reasonable followers of Islam to deny. I mean to deny as silliness. Now maybe that is because of the fanatic clerics with keep re-iterating the point. I just fear a bit that if you do ask an average reasonable Muslim that he would agree with it, althought he might not go through with it in action. But he would agree to it. Just as a Christian would NOT agree that, "Killing is not a sin". I think it's that prevalent in their beliefs and it's a bit scary. I just can't imagine that most people believe that it's only the fanatics that we see on TV and in the news. That of the thousands who protest who want people killed for simply desecrating a book are ALL fanatics and fanatical thinking. I think the odds are against such a thought.
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