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I cohabitate with a cat that keeps peeing in the bathroom, same room her food is being served in. Appart from a minor heart problem that's being treated, she otherwise seems both healthy and happy - and there's a distinctive change in her behaviour when she doesn't like a brand of food. Normaly, training cats to use their potty is straight forward: Move her every time she looks like she's about to pee. Problem is, she only does it when you're not around. And I mean both the 'not at home for 8 hours' and the 'just left room 15 seconds ago' kind. Not always the same spot in the room as well. ( Think floor, shower, bathtub, newspaper below food) There's also her sister around, who I have no such problem with. Maybe I should also mention that she's moved into this place about 7 months ago, and has been primarily an indoors cat for at least the last two years. I've tried -moving their food to where they pee. -a second potty, it was accepted and used by her, but the behaviour didn't stop. -scented cleaning solutions -pheromons. might have helped, but didn't stop it completly. So, do any of you have any suggestions on what it might be and what else I could try? Thanks, so long, ->Tyberius Prime
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