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Web apps - Back to the idea of an online Photoshop
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Sure, it's not -needed- that's quite a moot point imo, I am just opening up the discussion. [quote] Check the Artist's Sketchbook Opera widget which of course works the same on Windows, Linux, Mac OS ... and soon(ish) on other platforms. Of course that's not PhotoShop, but the fact is most people using PhotoShop hardly use 5% of it. Add a few color operations ( which are dead simple to code ), layers w. eventually mask and basic tranformations ( translation, rotation, scaling ), and a and you've got a killer app. [/quote] All I see is paint as a web app, and a platform specific one (Opera widgets). How does it compare to gmail for instance? [quote] Radio coverage ? who needs that ? [/quote] In addition to web coverage. But if you don't want more ways, nevermind. Still, the coverage provided on a radio show by a multinational deluxe consulting firm may be an added value. I appreciate the interest poi, care to dig a bit deeper and think outside Opera? Web app, not widget, I said.
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