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[quote] Anyway it doesn't change the fact that I don't have time to actively contribute to such a project. Sorry. [/quote] No prob, really. :rolleyes: I won't even enjoy destroying your arguments (2-3 seconds *is* the time I use for a rich, 16M colors, 1600x1200 pixels image to move a layer anyway, the local redisplay takes that time in terms of local processing power inside Photoshop - it doesn't on the server, and this is balanced by the load time to be very close to the local time in the end) (A 1600x1200 image weighs 200kb in png, more or less, tested on several samples). Probably would be useful to me anytime I want to edit an image in details and don't have anything handy. [quote] ...Great. Hope you can also get the huge investors pay travel fees to organize real life meetings with all the members of the team every 2-3 months. [/quote] (I actually do travel every 2-3 months for my job, go figure) (And that guy is posting [b]on[/b] a web app on the internet. web forum. 5000 people who meet daily, randomly. Go figure) (er.. no, I don't get it, what the hell are you talking about?!?) Enjoy the trip to France.
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