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Web apps - Back to the idea of an online Photoshop
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My God. [quote] Making a web standards based Photoshop-like work in IE or MS's JVM and elsewhere is ... hum ... well ... good luck. Therefore I don't see the difference between having to install a decent browser ( be it called X or Y ) or JVM. Sure I agree 200% with the idea of web standards based image editor. I know it's possible but there is some technical and security issues that must be addresed. That's why I pointed out the Artist sketchbook. It represents one approach that is possible, today. [/quote] Lose that JVM altogether. And lose luck while you are at it: I am not talking "prototype" or whatever, I am assessing it can be done, and I can prove it. Leave luck for hazard games, I am not taking it in account right here and right now. In other words: I am not asking you if you think it would be possible, I am asking you if you would like to contribute it, that's all. - please come back to my topic now, I never-ever asked or doubted it was 150% possible, and don't want to debate that * if you want proofs, pick a random, simple feature, and challenge me to implement it by... Sunday. Any feature. - [quote] You realize that Adobe has been working on it for more than 10 years now, do you ? [/quote] Yeah. I realize it's platform dependent, so twice to three times more dev than a web app involved (porting). Huge teams, if poorly coordinated, progress slowly. PS has not made huge leaps forward since version 6 or so, the "deepest components", which all are easy-peasy to code individually. And Adobe senior programmers are getting old - we are the new breed. :( Basically, I am very disappointed poi. I merely was asking -who would like to contribute- and there you come, and rape my thread, turning it into a feasibility debate. Feasible, it is. Easy, it's not. Debating wether we "can" or not is not the point at all: do you [b]want[/b] to? And please, please leave the technical controversy, which I can dismantle easilly, for some other discussion. I want -not- to bore or scare away people who are easy to bore or scare away.
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