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I'm in the process of upgrading the software I use on my website, going from using bBlog to installing Joomla! for the CMS. I've been testing it for a friend's site for a while, and decided to take advantage of the fact that he's got it installed on his server already. So here is the new layout I've come up with. I've checked it in IE6 and FF only, and at different resolutions. The content is for his site and a few areas will break (like the Space Cowboy review, because of the images), but everything else should work fine. The next thing I need to do is figure out the wrapper feature so that I can also add some gallery software and set up my portfolio and photos. Site --> http://dev.grimwell.com/index.php The template chooser is showing for testing purposes only, I wouldn't have that on my site. The template should be the cdf_cdf2 one. Some of the templates on there are broken because of bad uploads, I just can't remove because I don't have server access, just FYI. So, feedback? I wasn't looking to make a particularly fancy site. Just something simple, functional and good looking. _____________________ [sigrotate][img]http://coeurdefeu.com/sigs/asylum_sig04a.gif[/img]|[img]http://coeurdefeu.com/sigs/asylum_sig03b.gif[/img][/sigrotate] [url=http://coeurdefeu.com]coeur de feu[/url] :: [url=http://www.grimwell.com]Grimwell Online[/url] Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête!
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