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Well, I made a few tweaks to the look of the site and moved it to my own url. http://coeurdefeu.com I'm still working on the gallery component, so right now that opens the default link to the Joomla site. I like how everything looks right now. I made the main content area a bit larger, and gave the left column a darker background to set it off. I didn't want to rely on borders to define the edges of my areas. Of course, IE isn't playing nice though. The main page looks fine, but clicking on any link breaks the layout. The main content area is under the left column and there is some padding (~25px worth it looks like) on the right side. I know there is a problem with the text rubbing up against the right side, and I'm trying to figure that out. Still, it's frustrating playing find the problem with IE like this. Any suggestions? And Reisio, that favicon link you gave me was great! Got it set up for my site and another I was working on as well. Thanks! _____________________ [sigrotate][img]http://coeurdefeu.com/sigs/asylum_sig04a.gif[/img]|[img]http://coeurdefeu.com/sigs/asylum_sig03b.gif[/img][/sigrotate] [url=http://coeurdefeu.com]coeur de feu[/url] :: [url=http://www.grimwell.com]Grimwell Online[/url] Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête!
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