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Ramble: Masking with Equalize
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How about a tangent? Or a detour? More junk? I know you want more. Have you ever looked at a technique and thought to yourself, [i]You know, I could use that for something entirely not related to the turorial[/i]? By God, I hope you have. I adore Gauss. Raise your hand if you adore Gauss, too. Raise your hand again if you get tired of frequency not being equal and causing halo problems. Hmmm, tough one. Try this: raise your hand if you hate halo. Better yet: raise your hand if you adore Gauss and hate halo. Ah, thought so. Have you ever looked at a technique and thought to yourself, [i]This might help me get rid of halo[/i]? Hmm... halo and totally unrelated techniques - let's get married! Raise your hand if you've seen softening techniques involving Gauss and Overlay, Soft Light, or whatever. - copy photograph to new layer - Gauss to taste - change blending mode to whatever and reduce opacity to taste Sure. Wonderful. Raise your hand if you've used this technique before. Now, raise your hand if you've used this as a masking method to help get rid of halo. Ah, the light is too bright and I can't see your hands. - copy photograph to new layer - extract Lum using Fill - copy Lum to another layer and turn off top Lum layer - back to bottom Lum layer and Level the shit out of it - give the Leveled Lum some Gauss - back to top Lum layer - mess with different blending modes and opacity to taste Eventually you should end up with some softness and some detail. With a little practice, can be a damn fine mask with little or no halo for those funky tweaks that you love and adore so much. That's about it in a nutshell. Believe me, I could write tons on just this little bit. It gets really interesting when you start using it with intent. Shaking the pillars. I am the Uber.
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