OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
@tp: spotted a hole in the walls of Arkham
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Webbie, for his total lack of competency, this moron posted stuff to the internet - allowing the world to access it. All I did was typo-ing two slashes instead of one at the end of www.ozoneasylum.com There was no intent to attack, that's why I made the investigation report public - because it happened, and I was just witnessing and exploring what he had deliberately - or by pure idiocy - decided to give away. Needless to say, his making this stuff public added thousands hits by spiders to the bw load of the Asylum, aside of exposing vulns he doesn't admit - it takes balls to admit one's mistake, especially when they expose info about 5000 users - and neighbour websites on the server. It's much easier insulting. Except he's provoked the wrong person. As patient as I am, once someone really turns me on to disgust and beyond, I take action. Now this is not about vengeance. This is about bitch-slapping the shit out of cattle loving script kiddies, fucking peasants who can't stand theyre own weaknesses publicly and be honest about being weak. Meaning it has started, I am taking my time between two work travels, all of it, and I will not stop - ever - too late to back up. And I don't even need to use any kind of badly crafted request, any kind of misdemeanour, nothing, just a web browser, it's all it takes. Seen the movie Saw? Enjoy being my toys, enjoy life, enjoy the chance of being human beings instead of pigs. Enjoy it wherever you take it - afterwards - because this place is condemned. Because of the immense idiocy of a single person calling himself Tyberius Prime. ... No, I am no genius, gifted at best, and academically trained and grown to be part of the tech elite, these are the basic principles that make the difference between a self-trained kiddie and a developper, and that's all. Still, the pomposity of the bastard who bites the hand that feeds. That. Will get. Everlasting. Punishment.
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